Properties of CBD oil

10 Little-Known Uses for Cannabidiol or CBD Oil

Recent cannabis research has been identified Cannabidiol, or CBD oil, as the component responsible for a ton of marijuana’s medical benefits. And while THC is often singled out as the one compound that takes most of the credit, the real hero might just be CBD. CBD doesn’t the same amount of recognition that THC does in terms of the medical potential of cannabis, but it is a fact that it deserves as much, or even more. This compound essentially possesses anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, anti-epileptic, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it largely applicable to a range of medical conditions.

Cannabidiol is one of more than a hundred active compounds found in cannabis, but it is a chief phytocannabinoid that account for up to 40% of the cannabis plant’s extract. CBD oil lacks the psychoactive effects normally linked with the usual marijuana high, but when combined with THC, its mind and body relaxing properties become more potent, and even noticeable as the period it is being applied.

Here are 10 medical uses of CBD oil which you probably don’t know.

  1. Mad Cow Disease

The use of CBD has been shown to prevent neurodegenerative diseases, such mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It does the by halting and preventing the formation and accumulation of prions. In a 2007 study carried out on infected mice, the treated test subjects survived longer than the placebo group.

  1. Fibromyalgia

In a 2011 research that focused on CBD treatment for people suffering from fibromyalgia, the findings were very encouraging as it promises to be very effective in treatment of the condition. The results saw a dramatic diminution in symptoms, in the participants that used CBD oil. Fibromyalgia is often treated with anti-inflammatory medications, corticosteroids, and opioid pain medications. CBD treatment for fibromyalgia produced significant results as half of the 56 participants to which Cannabidiol was administered saw a great reduction in their symptoms and pain. The other half who used conventional methods to treat their condition didn’t notice much improvement.

  1. Cigarette/Nicotine Addiction

24 smokers were chosen at random to receive and given either an inhaler of CBD oil or a placebo in a double-blind placebo-controlled study. Participants were asked to inhale it whenever they feel like smoking a cigarette. Over the week, those with placebo inhalers experienced no difference in the regular amount of cigarettes they consume, while those who have been inhaling CBD saw their cigarette intake reduce by almost 40%. Using the CBD inhaler drastically reduced the number of cigarettes while their craving for nicotine did not increase. This result points towards Cannabidiol being effective in the cigarette withdrawal process.

  1. Acne

The reports of a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation and the National Institute of Health proves that CBD oil can provide effective treatment for acne. Researchers used cannabis-derived Cannabidiol on the human sebaceous glands and found that CBD has very potent sebostatic and anti-inflammatory properties as it inhibits lipid synthesis.

  1. Crohn’s Disease

Some scientists claim that CBD could be an effective treatment for bowel diseases like Crohn’s Disease according to some evidence. They discovered that when THC interacts with CBD in the system that controls gut function in the body, its anti-inflammatory effects give relief to those suffering from this and other bowel diseases. THC and CBD interact with the system that controls gut function in the body. The component of cannabis’ anti-inflammatory ability brings a lot of relief to those suffering from this condition.


  1. Multiple Sclerosis

At the Cajal Institute, scientists used animal models and cell cultures to determine that CBD repealed inflammatory responses and acted as a durable protection from the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. In the study, mice that were given 10 days of CBD treatment saw great improvement in their motor skills and continued to show progression in their condition. This informed researchers to conclude that potentially, CBD has the ability to reduce certain aspects of Multiple Sclerosis.

  1. Insomnia

One of the most common effects of using CBD is that it put the body in a state of extreme relaxation. This can be quite good news for people suffering from insomnia and hyperactivity– especially in combination with the anti-anxiety traits. Since drugs that aid sleep exposes you to the risk of addiction and leave you with a sleepy after-effect the next day, it’s healthier to go with non-habit forming Cannabidiol. When looking for insomnia combating strains, try sticking with Indica and CBD-heavy strains for a complete knock out whenever you need one.

  1. Schizophrenia

A group of German researchers published a study in the journal Translational Psychiatry in 2012. A comparison was done between the potent antipsychotic Amisulpride and CBD on 42 patients suffering from schizophrenia. The two treatments were effective, but the short side-effect profile of CBD outperformed the pharmaceutical option.

  1. Diabetes

A study published on the US National Library of Medicine shows that CBD helps in the prevention and development of diabetes by stopping the production of IL-12 by splenocytes. A study of non-obese diabetic mice showed that it prevented further development of the disease. It could help in the fight against diabetes and various autoimmune diseases related to the cytokine.

  1. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Due to the anti-anxiety and antipsychotic properties of CBD oil, it works effectively in the management of post-traumatic stress disorder. CBD oil is known to produce anti-anxilyotic and anti-inflammatory effects when ingested. It delivers patients with heavy-handed body stone and a deep sense of relaxation. Those with PTSD often have anxiety and stress symptoms, so patients frequently find relief by using Cannabidiol. CBD also treats psychoactive symptoms and help provide a balanced mental condition for those generally suffering from anxiety and stress disorders.

Currently, CBD oil is increasing gaining recognition and its demand is at a record high. Cannabidiol is winning the heart of everyone – both medical and recreational users. It has a wide range of therapeutic properties and no psychoactive effects. For enhanced potency, you can add some THC to your dosage. You deserve to experience some “entourage effect”.

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